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Comentarios (8)

Raleigh - 16 Abril 12:18

Te recibo sola.También realizo salidas a hoteles y domicilios

Schweer - 24 Marzo 05:42

Por favor, por el bien de todos no quedes en persona, utiliza video llamada whatapp, telegram, google meet, Activa Javascript en tu navegador para poder utilizar pasion.

Nichelle - 19 Octubre 03:35

You can't be that good, she's more focused on chewing her gum!

Edison - 26 Abril 20:16

I have recently begun to refuse to use the term white to describe myself, especially on medical forms and such. I've long desired to withdraw my own support from racism and white supremacist patterns, but I had kept using the central false dichotomy of that system: the term white person. No more. Too much blood has been spilled on that phoney and elastic concept. I'll certainly describe myself as having skin privilege, but not as white.

Hout - 12 Junio 06:53

would really like to have some of that

Dubach - 5 Abril 23:13

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Melynda - 7 Febrero 16:18

Thanks for bringing up honor killings, as a feminist, calling everything sexist including halloween costumes is just starting to get really tiring. But it seems alot the feminist that care about that don't care at all about female genital mutilation or the honor killings. And yes all be it small happens in the US too.