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Comentarios (5)

Slemp - 4 Abril 10:26

en , Compañeras de piso en apuros economicos.

Maratre - 17 Mayo 04:53

Su cita de lunes a viernes a las hrs.

Edward - 2 Diciembre 22:51

Um the children's toys as dildos kinda freaks me out. it is really weird to me. I guess because I have a niece.

Glasbrenner - 19 Mayo 22:49


Marshall - 14 Enero 21:42

Cannot beat sucking a wet snatch.xx

Isa - 28 Enero 22:57

This is why i felt absolutely frustrated listening to this video, i can not comprehend how a country such as AMERICA chooses not to teach all their students some form of properly informed sex ed. It worries me that they allow such influential individuals to push their conservative beliefs, as if it is for the greater good of their country. it worries me that such individuals would rather stick their head s in the ground instead of looking at the facts, less sex education will result in increased prevalence of STI's and unexpected pregnancy's.

Virginia - 20 Augusto 13:21

In Japan's case, I'm putting my money on porn addiction. Between all of Japan's different cultural hangups around relationships and sex, it's basically the perfect storm for diving head first into a porn-filled sexual death spiral and not having support system to get out.